Category: Challenges

Articles in the Challenges category

April Challenges

Just a heads up, in case you are interested in either of the challenges I’m hosting at the moment.

The theme at Scrap That Moment is Things That Make You Happy. For full details, please check out the official Photo Challenge thread on STM.

Here is my first entry…. I love ducks. :)

The Photo Layout Challenge on Shauna’s Shabby Shoppe this month is Non-People. Full details can be found in the official April Photography Challenge Thread on SSS

Here’s my inspiration layout. :)

New Photo Challenges

I’ve posted the new photo challenges for March! If you are interested in taking a look, here are some of the details:

On Shauna’s Shabby Shoppe the theme for March is DETAILS. Full details can be found on the SSS photo challenge thread.

This was my example layout for the challenge:

On Scrap That Moment the theme for the photo challenge is COLOUR. Full details can be found on the STM photo challenge thread

And this was my first photo for the challenge:

I think it’s going to be a fun month. :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day.

If you’ve taken some great “love” photos, or are looking for some inspiration I’ve got a couple of photography challenges going on. The first is on Scrap That Moment and is a photo challenge with a theme of ‘Couples and Pairs’. For more info check out the photo challenge thread. I’ll be posting a few photos in the next couple of days. ;)

The second is a layout challenge at Shauna’s Shabby Shoppe with a ‘Love’ theme. Full details can be found in this thread

This was my layout for the challenge:

Lots of Creativity

There’s lots of creative juices flowing in this house at the moment. I’m having a hard time getting the ideas out on paper before the next set comes flooding in. I just wish I could produce my ideas as fast as I could get them.

As a result there’s a lot of playing and not a lot of writing going on at the moment. However, in periods were I’m waiting for glue and paint to dry, I’ve been nosing around the internet. I’ve added a few more links to the side bars.

I’ve got to get back to playing before my brain explodes. However, I’ll leave you with this layout that I did for the January Contest at Shauna’s Shoppe

Wedding Pages (a contest)

Lynette posted this contest on the boards a couple of days ago, and I thought I would share it here as well.

Scrap That Moment is inviting you to submit your 8.5×11 and 12×12 wedding themed layouts. The winners (note the plural!) will be required to send their layouts in to be displayed at the Tulsa Wedding Show, in Oklahoma. Winners will receive credit for That Scrap Store equivalent to their postage costs, plus an extra $20. For full rules and details, check out the Wedding Pages Call Announcement. You do not have to be a member of STM to enter this contest.

Personally, I think I’m gonna give it a go. I have yet to scrap any of our wedding photos… in fact, I have yet to edit some of them. * cough *. I’ve only ever planned to scrap a couple pages of our wedding for our main album, mostly because some of my dear friends got together and made me a lovely mini album as a wedding present. I hope they know how much I cherish that album. However, as a result, I’ve put scrapping those photos for our family album on the back burner. Maybe this contest will give me the kick I need to actually get them done!

Our Desires

The next installment of our STM blog challenge is to write about our desires. I think this layout says it best:

I believe that scrapbooking is not only about documenting the events in our lives, but also the dreams and emotions. Hopefully some of my fellow bloggers in this challenge will take the opportunity to scrap these desires, and then look back on it 10 or 20 years hence. It’s little things like this that can tell a lot about a person at a particular stage in their life.


As posted on this thread on STM yesterday (today for me), the first in a set of weekly blog challenges.

Challenge no. 1 ~ list your quirks!

quirk ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kwûrk)

  1. A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy: “Every man had his own quirks and twists” (Harriet Beecher Stowe).
  2. An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary: a quirk of fate.
  3. A sudden sharp turn or twist.
  4. An equivocation; a quibble.
  5. Architecture. A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit.

So, as per definition 1, here are some of mine:

  • When I sleep, I need at least one limb outside of the duvet, whether it be an arm, a foot, or an entire leg.
  • When I’m nervous, I get up out of my chair, walk around it, then sit back down. Repeat if necessary.
  • I rarely photograph people because I generally don’t find them that interesting of a subject.
  • I keep my CD Collection in alphabetically order by artists, then album name. Even with 500 CDs I know instantly if a single one is out of place.
  • I keep constant lists. I never look at them or use them. I just write them.
  • I prefer talking on the phone using my deaf ear. Really. I always struggle to hear what people are saying since I only have 30% hearing in that ear, but I can’t stand the phone against my other ear.
  • During highly creative periods I NEED to eat blueberries.
  • I have a constant drive to be productive. However, productive in my books means creating something physical. If I can’t hold it in my hands, it’s not productive.
  • I have a natural understanding of languages. I have yet to meet a languange I can’t understand to some degree, and I usually understand to a high degree any Western language within a couple days of being around it.

I think this would make a great All About Me page. I need to find a photo. :)