Category: General Scrapbooking

Articles in the General Scrapbooking category

Swans and Sunlight.

This was for the Ad Challenge on STM. I loved the ad Cari posted for the challenge, and this layout came together so quickly. Love it when that happens. :)

Sorry for the lousy photo of the layout, but the sun decided to take the day off today. We’ve been absolutely spoiled with great weather this summer, and it was common to go 4 or even 5 days without rain. I think we even went over a week without rain at one point, and for North-East England that’s not exactly normal. Well, all that rain that didn’t come this summer has decided to come now. I think I may need to build an ark. Maybe an altered ark. Hmmm, I think we may need more Modge Podge. ;)

One more for Design Originals

I admit it, I’m loving these papers…. thought they were so perfect for this layout.

More Design Originals

A few more Design Originals layouts that I did for Scrap That Moment

This first layout is actually using their pet paper line… unfortunately we have neither a cat nor a dog, but the colours were absolutely perfect for Joey’s grad photo. I don’t usually buy black or red paper, so this worked out really well. Besides, he got his masters over a year and a half ago…. so it was about bloody time I finally scrapped one of his grad photos. Oh well, at least one got in the scrapbooks before his PhD congregation. I’m looking forward to photographing that… his PhD robes will have colour on the front too! :)

The second is a bit out of the box for me… I actually distressed the layout—and more than just inking the edges of the paper. It’s like I have a split personality sometimes. I do all sorts or weirdly wonderful things to stuff…. but my layouts need to be clean. Go figure. Anyway, the photo is one I took last year in Jesmond Dene. I just loved how the light was hitting the leaf.

I really loved the letters and number used in the autumn layout, but to make them stand out a bit more, I mounted them onto chipboard for added dimension. It’s so simple, yet it makes a huge difference.

The Theatre in Vienna

This is a layout I did a couple of months ago which I found knocking about on my hardrive. Figured I might as well share it. :)

The building is the theatre which resides across the street from the Rathaus. The fact that the horse-drawn carriage pull up in front of it just made it all the more special.

Mid month DT layouts

The DT girls on Shauna’s Shabby Shoppe have been busy creating and uploading their non-theme layouts. These are mine:

If you want to see what the other girls have been upto, check out the August DT gallery.

Another DT Layout

One more for today, this time for Shauna’s Shabby Shoppe for which I got to play with some fabulous Technique Tuesday stamps. I’m a happy camper. :)

Hambly Sponsor Layouts

We got the opportunity this month to work with Hambly Screen Prints on Scrap That Moment. I really enjoyed working with these. :)

If you are interested in what the other girls did, check out the Hambly Sponsor Gallery on STM. We’ll be loading up today until Thursday.

The fine print: these layotus were created for And thanks you to Debby for the great big orange flower!! ;)

DT layouts - mid July

I have to admit I had a lot of fun doing these layouts for Shauna’s Shabby Shoppe.

Far and Away.

Our second sponsor on Scrap That Moment was Far and Away who carries some wonderful oriental influenced papers, rub-ons and ribbons.

If you’d like to see what the girls on STM did this month, you may wish to check out the Far and Away Gallery on STM

And here is my layout of the pagoda near Brussels:

Fine print: This layout was created for

Stemma by Masterpiece Studios

One of our sponsors this month was Stemma by Masterpiece Studios who recently launched a line of papers and embellishments at CHA winter 2006. Some fabulous family and friend themed papers with rub-ons, clips and stickers to match.

If you want to check out what all the girls did on Scrap That Moment you might want to check out the Stemma Gallery on STM. Here are my layouts. :)

On all the layouts I handcut the large font and used it as my titles, I just loved the way it looked. It also provided me with the opportunity to change the ‘grandchildren’ page to a ‘grandchild’ title. :)

This first layout is a photo I took of Flavia and Lucas at the London Zoo last year. I’ve known her online for several years, and we got the chance to meet up in person when she came over to visit her parents. I used the Stemma rub-ons to accent words in my journalling. I also really liked the clips, but didn’t find any that suited this particular layout, so I adhered one of the epoxy stickers over it.

My second layout is about Joey, and how it’s always just the two of us for every occasion. The photo was taken in the cloister at Schaffhausen. On this layout I used my Making Memories foam stamps in combination with my Tim Holtz distress ink (old paper) and used coloured pencils to shadow the edges. The journalling is some Bazzill cardstock run through a Dymo embossing machine and inked to highlight the letters and edges.

Finally, my third layout is a photo of me as a child with my late grandfather. I used a combination of the Stemma paper and the rub-ons to create the title, and again used the Dymo to do part of the journalling.

The fine print: These layouts were created for