Category: Photographs
Articles in the Photographs category
I spent the majority of the day rearranging the little one’s sleeping area as she is moving out of her moses basket and into the full sized cot. We originally tried to put her straight into the cot but she wasn’t having it — and let EVERYONE know it.
I thought today’s photos should commemorate that, so I took a photo of her mobile (which I so tearfully took down when we put her in the basket and made the top of the cot into a change table).
I’m usually not a fan of tungsten light photos. I understand their necessity on occassion, but I never usually purposely take them unless there is a Christmas tree in the photo. However, something about the tungsten light on the mobile just seemed to work and make it all more cozy. Perhaps it evokes the sense of evening slumber?
I took one with natural day light as well:
And while Joey was entertaining the little one this morning, I snuck out of the house and took some photos in the car park of dead things:
And a living thing:
The sun was out, so I took the opportunity while it lasted. :)
I came across a 365 challenge over on Karin’s blog Frozen in Time. This week’s theme is Two and I immediately thought of this:
Points for effort, but it comes up a bit short in the style department. But to be honest, given how this day has gone I’m just glad I got a photo for the day. Perhaps I’ll try again. Tomorrow is another day….
It’s been a rough day so some unwinding was necessary this evening. Carcassonne. Love this game.
It’s a grey day and I’m starting to feel a little under the weather myself. I plan to sit under my quilt with a hot beverage and knit the day away… and hopefully this blasted cold, too. I’m calling it preventive measures.
...sewing machine, that is. I love this machine. I bought it for £40, it’s older than I am and it’s a total workhorse. I wish it could run at 8000rpm but you can’t have everything, after all it’s only a domestic machine.
And apparently I really need to dust this puppy.
The little one was well behaved today so I was able to work at the sewing machine while simultaneously backing up my photos. I finished the page I was working on but ran out of light for photographic purposes, so I will have to post it tomorrow.
I got carried away today, so we have several photos. :)
I’ve always wanted to do those mirror self portraits in which the camera itself is the focus, so here it is:
Then I got distracted by a duck:
While phorographing my knitting for my next post I saw the most beautiful sunset. We don’t often get colourful skies at dusk because of the generous amount of cloud cover and rain we get in nothern England so it’s always wonderful when we do get colourful skies.
This was taken in our front yard (in my slippers):
It was quite wet outside today, so we made time for indoor play.
I love repetition. :)
We are very lucky to not only have a park right across the road, but we have a park with large pond, play area, bowling green, tennis court and several football pitches. It also leads onto a large green belt area. I’ll be taking more photos of that when it’s actually, well, green.
Although we generally have about five or six dozen ducks on the pond at a given time, we generally only gets swans for a few weeks out of the year. Today, one of the swans was visiting and allowed me a (very brief) photo op.
I had big hopes for today. I had a plan. I needed to take the baby in for her jabs today and thought I’d tote the camera along and take some shots in town since it was a lovely day. That was until I realized I’d messed up the times and had to go flying out the door with baby in a mad dash to the surgery. So today you get another around the house photo.
As much as I had wanted some photos of town, this actually worked out quite well. Firstly, I’m pleased with the photo itself (and I must say I’m loving my 50mm 1.8f lens). Secondly, I think I may have discovered another good spot for taking random fiber photos. This happens to be our south-facing kitchen counter at about 2pm, slightly before sunset when I’m only getting indirect sunlight. And lastly Joey and I are digging this scale right now. The scale was bought to weigh fiber, and occasionally food as recipes require. However, as it sits on our dinning table both of us have the constant desire to weigh random objects for fun. It doesn’t take much to amuse a couple of geeks.
And just for your information, I had 8g of wool left over after finishing my first Mock Croc Sock, Joey mobile weighs 91g and an average clementine weights 49g. Just thought you’d like to know. ;)