Category: Project 365

Articles in the Project 365 category

Day 70: In progress

A lot of things are in progress right now. For the Library of Memories class (via Big Picture Scrapbooking site) I’m currently in the process of organizing my photos:


I’m also in the middle of making my Primavera socks which is a Project Spectrum knit:

Primavera socks in progress

Lots of progress is being made on my Tweed Hooded cardi as the back is finished and the two fronts are nearly off the needles. Here are the centre front cables in their glorious unblocked state:

Tweed Hooded Cardi Cables

And I just finished spinning the first four ounces of singles of my Bluefaced Leicester roving:

Dusty Answer BFL singles

My new bobbins should arrive tomorrow so I’ll be able to start spinning the other half of the BFL. I can’t wait to see how this turns out once it’s finished. :)

Day 69: Lamp

The lamps along the Theatre Royal caught my eye today while I was out and about in town. The theatre is a beautiful building and I’m hoping to get a nice photo of it when the sun rests a wee bit higher in the sky (and that shouldn’t be too long now as we are approaching the equinox.


Day 68: Playing with Depth of Field

Sometimes you just need to play around…


Day 67: A Purple kind of day

I noticed a theme when I curled up under my purple quilt:

My first quilt

to knit on my purple cardigan:

Tweed Hooded Cardi in progress

and looked over at the purple wool I’m spinning:

Dusty BFL In Progress

that there might be a bit of a colour theme happening.

Day 66: Never Ending


Day 65: Feet and Hands

Parts of a sculpture by Sean Henry entitled Man with Potential Selves made up of three individual bronzes.



Day 64: Curiosity Cabinet

Another photo from knit night:


Day 63: Knitting with Handspun

I was really excited to start in on my Valentine handspun, so I cast on a pair of mitts:

Bulky mittens in progress

Pattern: Plaid Mittens by Alison Hansel ( on Ravelry )
Needles: 6.5mm DPNs
Notes: Knit as per pattern. 87 metres. Fits my medium sized hand with a bit of room to spare so I can wear fitted gloves underneath for those really cold days.

And then I cast on a scarf:

One row hanspun scarf (in progress)

Pattern: One Row Handspun Scarf by the Yarn Harlot (on Ravelry )
Needles: 7.5mm
Notes: 22 stitches wide and I’m going until I run out of wool.

And here’s one of the three balls of yarn:

Balled Valentine Handspun Top

Seriously big yarn. (I have a preference for DK weight yarn so this is a bit of a change up).

In celebration, I started spinning up some new fibre:

Dusty Answer started

This is some Bluefaced Leicester handdyed by Violet Green. I’m spinning this a lot thinner in hopes of achieving a DK to aran weight yarn. If all goes well, I’d like to knit it up in an as yet undecided lace pattern, but I’ll wait until it’s plied and washed before any final decisions are made. Fingers crossed. :)

Day 62: Measure

This was used a lot today on various projects.


In other news… happy Mother’s Day everyone! I spent most of the day knitting and lounging. :)

Day 61: Swing Bridge

This is my absolute favourite bridge (out of the seven) that cross the Tyne at Newcastle. Isn’t it cute?


I was on a Project Spectrum kick today, so I also took a few other red/fire type shots including a lamp post:

Swing Bridge Lamp post

and my Valentine merino handspun:

Valentine Handspun

This is the first skein of my second handspun. The other skeins were definitely more evenly spun and plied, but they weren’t dry when I had sunlight. This handspun is going to become a scarf and hopefully some matching mitts/wristwarmers.