Yes... It's another layout about a loo...

This time it’s the best preserved Roman loo in Britain, at Housesteads Fort along Hadrian’s Wall. It always amazes me how advanced the Romans were. Here’s a set of facilities that are closing in on a millenia old, yet they were some of the first flushing toilets ever built.

Enough about the loo. I got to play with my Basic Grey notch tool again. This is just such a neat little tool. I haven’t used it all that much, but I’m determined to find interesting stuff to do with it just because I think it’s so cool. I think it’ll come in really hand for doing mini albums. :)


Fabulsou layout – you are a master at making loos look fabulous!!! ;o)

Anna Sigga · 17 May 2006, 15:54 · #