I'm totally chuffed. :)

We went out to the coast today where they hold a vendor’s market every sunday, and I had so much fun. These were a few of the finds I got today:

I got some dominoes, some rescued relatives, a roller razor, and some old metal (wood mounted) print blocks, as well as a few other odds and ends. I was SO happy about those print blocks. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the roller razor, but it was too cool to leave behind, and at only £1 I simply couldn’t pass it up.

We managed to get a walk in along the coast before the clouds and rain rolled in. I even took off my shoes and walked in the sea—man it was cold! But I managed to grab a few shots with my camera while we were there, and generally had a fabulous day. I love living close to the sea. :)

Meanwhile, I’m working on a few odd projects that I’ll hopefully get uploaded this week. I’m also changing around some of the links on the sidebar. You may have noticed some changes already. My bookmarks are getting way too big, even though they are organized into folders, so I’m putting some of them on here for safe keeping and so other can enjoy them, too.

Have a creative day!


You were in Tynemouth and you found dominoes…. I love the rescued relatives…..
Boy you were brave paddling in this weather, I nearly had my thermals on yesterday, I know you’re used to camping in sub zero temperatures….... What can we do with the stamps??? Polymer clay impressed would be good, I’ve loads of Indian wooden stamps we could use too…... I feel a play day coming on.

— Sue · 22 May 2006, 14:44 · #

Great finds. I love this type of shopping, well any type of shopping.

— Susan · 24 May 2006, 23:21 · #