Organizing Small Alphabets

Well, I’m at it again—organizing that is. I’ll be posting my progress as I go, as I’ve found it really helpful to link back to them! :)

I used to have all my alphas sorted by letter, then someone suggested to just dump them into a single container. Since I was using two floss boxes and I was really desperate for another box, I dumped one of the boxes into a container. This method just didn’t work for me. I actually took that container and hid it at the very back of my shelf where it was nigh impossible to reach so I wouldn’t use them because it annoyed me that much.

As a solution, I decided to re-organize them by letter again. To save space I’ve put 2 letters in each ducket, which at least is workable. I’d love one of those multi-drawer hardware organizers so each letter has it’s own drawer and I could add larger chipboard letters to the mix as well. However, I think that idea will have to wait a while as I really don’t have the space to accommodate such a unit.

I had a couple of spare duckets so I’ve used for various other metal things, including words and charms. Here’s the result:


this is how I store my small alphas and I love this system. This is actually one of the few storage systems that I use that i actuall like! You are making lots of progress!

Kara Jones · 6 July 2006, 15:08 · #

Oh now that is clever! Great idea!!!! Might just have to try that after I move!

Ki Kruk · 14 July 2006, 01:07 · #