New Sketchbook

I’ve been wanting a proper sketchbook for a while, so I decided to make one myself. Although the content will be of a generally botanical nature, this book will hence forth be known as the ‘Tree Book’ since it has an image of a tree on the cover.

I always find the first page you do in a book is the hardest because you have that feeling of not wanting to mess it up. So I chose a page a little further along in the book that had a slight mark on it (a bit of excess paint from when I washed all the pages with a bit of colour) and decided to use a stamped image. I call it getting my feet wet…. and since this book will be a combination of stamped images, sketches and writings I figured I may as well start off with something on the easier side.


This is absolutely beautiful Chriss!!!

Anna Sigga · 6 August 2006, 10:03 · #

this will be a very special book! Do you want to swap postcards? Or ATCs?

Heather Hasthorpe · 8 August 2006, 16:08 · #

Heather, I’d love to swap with you. I’m currently making up a batch of ATC like these but in blue/silver. Would you like one of those with an ‘H’ on it? Otherwise, let me see what I can come up with.

Chriss Coleman · 9 August 2006, 07:08 · #