Halfway done.

As my reward for finishing the weaving in of about 50 ends on a striped blanket last night at knitting group I allowed myself to work on my Jitterbug sock…. and the first one is done. I love this yarn. It just feels so lovely. I’m not sure on the toe I used on this sock, so I’m going to do the next one slightly differently to see which one I like best and I’ll redo the toe of the sock I like the least…. but otherwise I’m quite happy with my half a pair of Jitterbug socks and am really looking forward to being able to wear them. :)

It also seems that my worry about running out of yarn and having to knit the second toe on fumes was never an issue. I weighed my ball of yarn when the sock was nearing completion and had only used a quarter of the ball.

Maybe I can get a pair of baby socks out of this ball as well?? :)


Love the colors – you are working on uber speed girl!! ;o)

Anna Sigga · 18 July 2007, 11:49 · #