Day at the Montreal Botanical Gardens

Last time we were in Canada we spent a day wandering around the Botanical gardens of Montreal. They have quite an array of gardens including several large glasshouses and thematic gardens which include chinese, japanese, aboriginal and alpine gardens. This is an overview of our day:

I’m quite happy about this layout as I managed to fit quite a number of photos on it, used up some old KI Memories papers and remembered to leave space for the ticket stubs (because we have quite a pile of these things starting to accumulate and they really need to find their home in our albums).


Hi Chriss! I am Giulia (the Italian girl that sometimes comments your jobs of scrapbooking). I like a lot your pages and lately I inspire myself with your way to make scrapbooking.
I’d like if you can visi my blog and leave me a comment (what do you think about my pages?)

Thanks and wishes for the maternity!

Giulia · 1 August 2007, 09:11 · #