FO: Primavera Socks

My Primavera socks came off the needles last week and they’ve already been lovingly worn since blocking.


I really enjoyed knitting these. I loved the pattern. I loved the yarn. I loved the colourway. I didn’t even mind that I had knit them on 2mm needles (what was I thinking??), that’s how much I enjoyed knitting them.


Pattern: Primavera socks (on Ravelry ) by S(t)ockinette
Yarn: Stroud Supersock from Violet Green in the Burnt Orange colourway
Needles: 2mm
Mods: I increased the number of pattern repeats by two and deacrease a purl stitch in each repeat. I would have loved to have knit them as written, but the sock just wasn’t going to go over my heel. I also had some 2mm needles going spare….

These socks are also falling under the Project Spectrum and Sock a Month 5


Hey Chriss, I was just talking about you the other day—there’s a new yarn store in my town and I stopped in and I was telling my friend that I have a friend in England that’s the “textile and fiber queen” as I called you. Hope things are well! (oh, and those socks rock!)

chelsea kocina · 3 April 2008, 16:54 · #

Those socks are fabulous girl – hope all is well and give your princess a hug from me! :o)

Anna Sigga · 6 April 2008, 19:43 · #