I am weak.

Totally weak. I started spinning for my Aeolian shawl last night. Here’s what more than two hours of spinning yields:

Peacock Silk Started

Not much to look at is it? It is, however, a start.

Here’s a view of the sample:

Peacock Sample

I’m aiming for a laceweight of 40+ WPI once it is plied so this is going to take a while, but I am dedicating almost all of my spinning time towards it. I’ll post another progress photo once you can’t see the bobbin core.


Oooh, a very fine yarn! Filling a bobbin with laceweight does take forever doesn’t it, but it’ll be totally worth it, especially with that beautiful silk :)

Goldfishgirl · 25 April 2009, 20:26 · #

Oh my – and that’s 2 hours work at a 20:1 ratio and your treadling speed…? You must be spinning gossamer. It’s looking beautiful though so I’m looking forward to seeing it.

— Sophie · 27 April 2009, 08:13 · #