Peacock Progress

Although allergies have been whipping me badly, I managed to get a bit of spinning in today.

Peacock Progress

I’ve started rotating my hooks slightly in order for the laceweight to wind on evenly. It makes a big difference, as you can see. The right side was wound on without any hook adjustment, whilst the right side had hook adjustment. I usually wouldn’t rotate my hooks like that, but I was worried about the silk collapsing onto itself.

What you see is about 17 grams of the silk spun up. Only 135 grams to go. ;)


Oh yeah, the last thing you want is a tangled silk mess! (ask me how I know)

It’s beautiful!

elizabeth · 28 April 2009, 15:18 · #

Boo for allergies! Mine come on later in the year, but I know how it feels ;(

Lovely lace yarn though!

Goldfishgirl · 28 April 2009, 20:32 · #

Wonderful Colour – I’m taking a silk spinning retreat Fall 2009 – Hope I can do as well as you!

— Terry Prehara · 7 May 2009, 23:49 · #