Ho Ho Holiday Woollies Swap

I was very excited when the postie came bringing woolly goodness today. It was my holiday swap package from a fellow Wildcraft Woolly.

It came wrapped in paper that pleased Thing 1. (Though, I was a bit worried she might try and claim the entire parcel.)

Inside, there were beautiful batts from HilltopCloud and a card that coordinated brilliantly! I love the card. I have a thing for trees. And paintings. And orange. I’m thinking of framing it… I just need to find the right home for it.

A close up of the batts, which are Merino, Finn and Firestar in a colourway called Pumpkin Pie. I’m really looking forward to spinning this up. They told me they want to be spun up as singles. On my Victoria. For a shawl. Who am I to argue with determined fibre?

My Santa also included a lovely little pouch which will be perfect for notions, a magnetic bookmark, and some delicious dark chocolate. Oh, how I love dark chocolate.

This totally made my day. Thank you Santa. :)


Find things for you was great fun, and quite easy.

Getting this big white beard off though is proving to be not so easy ;)

Elizabeth · 9 December 2011, 15:30 · #