Being Behind, Catching Up and Keeping Current.

I hear discussions about this fairly often on message boards. Everyone’s answer will be different depending how fast or how much they scrap, and how many photos they take in any given period of time. But where do I fall in this? I’ve always figured I’d never be caught up. I scrap an average of 3 photos per page, and about 200 pages per year. This means that I could, in theory, scrap about 600 photos per year. When I hear it like that, it doesn’t sound too bad, until realization sets in. I take about 35,000 photos per year, and print about 3,000 photos per year for scrapping purposes. Therefore, keeping current isn’t even an option for me. For every year’s worth of photos, I have 5 years of scrapping to do.

So what is a scrapper to do??

  • 1. Take less photos. (okay, I couldn’t even type that without laughing!)
  • 2. Scrap more. :)
  • 3. Scrap the most important photos first, and get to the others when time and inspiration strikes.
  • 4. Ignore reality completely and just have fun.

To me, scrapping is all about having fun. I don’t scrap in any order, in fact I’ve got about 14 albums on the go, and have never completed a single album. I scrap whatever strikes my fancy, and go from there. I think I really need to push myself to complete some albums, but I’ve never felt that kind of pressure. So maybe instead of putting pressure on myself to keep current (an impossible goal), I need to concentrate on maybe getting an album or two done in the next few years, which is not only attainable, but will give me a feeling of accomplishment.