Category: Sewing

Articles in the Sewing category

Carnation Tie Backs

I worked on finishing Thing 1’s curtains this week, which meant both getting my hubby to put the hooks in the wall and actually making the tie backs.

I had a look at various fabric flower tutorials on the web and decided I liked the this tattered flower the best.

I chose some lovely ‘cotton fabric with Indian print’ (which was what it said on the label… except it was in Danish) that I found at Stof & Stil.


I used some top stitching thread in my bobbin to help gather up the fabric. Top stitching thread is much stronger and therefore less likely to break on you whilst you gather. Technically, I could have pulled out the gathering foot on my serger, but I liked having the added control of doing it by hand.

Here is what the front and back looked like:

I made tubes out of some of the curtain fabric, topstitched, and added D rings to the ends.


And added my carnation to one end of each tie back.


Here’s a close up of the tie back in action:


And the curtains:

Carnation Tie Backs

And now to get Thing 2’s curtains finished. Or started, for that matter. Though to be fair, I only bought his fabric last week.

Little girl curtains

An embarrassingly long time ago I started making my daughter some curtains out of this fabric:

Then things happened. Our lounge furniture arrived, curtains for the lounge needed to be made, Christmas happened, and then the winter blahs set in. This past week I resurrected the long lost green curtains and worked on them whilst the weather has been a bit wet.

Little girl curtains

It has been going well, and other than needing to install some hardware so that I can fashion some tie backs, the curtains are done. Funnily enough, the lounge curtains are also waiting for their tie backs. Hopefully this week.

Here is how one set of the curtains currently looks:

Curtains almost done

I’m thinking about making little rosettes for the tie backs for Thing 1’s room to draw a little of the pink from her bed to that side of the room and to add a little finishing touch.

At the Machine: Home Dec

Having recently moved, we’ve found ourselves we many windows that need covering. It took two weeks to get blinds up on the windows in the kids’ bedrooms, and we only have a temporary window covering on our own bedroom. Needless to say, my sewing machine is going to see a lot of curtains run through it in the next while.

I’m starting with curtains in my daughter’s room, mostly because I found fabric for her curtains first. It’s not curtain fabric per se, but it works really well with her current bedding and her future quilt. Besides, these curtains are really just for decorative purposes.


It’s a small scale print, but I really think it’ll work. The off-white fabric will line the curtains. I’m hoping to start cutting tomorrow.