Category: Cards

Articles in the Cards category

Happy Christmas

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season, whatever you may celebrate. I’ve enjoyed my little blogging break, otherwise known as the ‘I’m running out of time to make these gifts before Christmas so I can’t blog right now’ time of year.

While I photograph and edit our various gifty stuff to post here, I thought I’d post a few of the cards I made for folks. I figure by now, they’ve either received them or it’s too late anyway.

Season Greetings!!

A few Christmas Cards

I actually did these for a couple of the challenges on Scrap That Moment and forgot to load them up before the deadline. Oh well.

I’ve also finished the last installment of our current fabric book round robin, and I’ll be posting the photos of those tomorrow. :)

Some Cards I did today.

I did another demo for DoArt today, this time using scrapbooking supplies in cardmaking. As always, nice and simple. :) Just thought I’d share…. and if you receive one of these cards sometime, just act surprised, okay?