I have a new goal!!

And the inspiration and motivation I think I need to accomplish it!!! I’m going to complete an album before the end of the year!!! I’ve tried to pick an attainable goal, so I chose to complete my Belgium album. It’s only 48 pages, and I’ve already completed 14 of the pages (soon to be 16 as soon as I glue the title down on the layout sitting on my desk). This is a very realistic goal, as I only need to scrap 32 more pages (or so)... if I only scrap layouts for this album, I should be done by September, but I don’t want to put that kind of pressure on myself. I like the variety when I skip from one album to another, and will continue doing so, however when my efforts are spread over 14 or so albums (I’ve lost count) it means that albums don’t actually get completed. Even if every second layout I do is for my Belgium album, then I will complete it before the end of the year.

I’ve also joined a Yahoo! group called Scrapper’s Challenge. It’s mostly about organizing and being productive about your scrapping time, with a layout challenges thrown in for good measure. It’s set up a lot like the Flylady Method, in which you get organized in 15 minute spurts. You literally set your timer and clean and organize as fast as you can (and not just make piles, but really put things away.) And you know what, it works!! I’ve come up with some great ideas, and looking forward to implementing them in my scraproom.