Every Page Counts.

I decided when I started scrapping that I wanted to keep a running page count of what I had accomplished that year. In January, I look how many pages I scrapped the previous year, and in the previous months, and from that I determine a reasonable, yet challenging goal for the year. For 2005, my goal is 200 pages and I’m currently sitting at 122 pages for the year. I am very happy with that.

I count every page I do, whether it is for me or somebody else. Size doesn’t matter. And a 2-page layout counts as 2 pages. Every single page counts.

The question then becomes why do I do this??

It keeps me motivated. Knowing that I’ve scrapped 122 pages this years means that there are 122 more pages my family and I can enjoy. Since I have so many photos to scrap, it makes me feel that I am actually making progress, especially since I don’t scrap chronologically…. I have lots of gaps in my albums, and I have lots of layouts that don’t even have albums yet. I can see that stack of homeless layouts, but because they aren’t filling albums, they don’t (in my mind) seem to count as progress. But numbers don’t lie, and those numbers keep me going.

It also gives me a goal to work towards. In my mind, I know I will probably never catch up with all my photos, and that is fine to me. As long as I manage to scrap the majority of my photos, especially the most important photos, then I’m happy. But there’s always that little voice in the back of my head that wants all those photos scrapped. That voice sees the stacks of boxes of photos and sighs in despair. Having this goal to work towards keeps that little voice quiet. I have enough voices in my head, I really don’t need one reminding me about my stack of photos.

It also gives me a sense of accomplishment. Knowing I’m making as much progress as I am makes me feel good about myself, and gives me the incentive to keep scrapping. So if you’ll excuse me I have a two-page layout to finish. Make that 124 for the year.