Scrapping Photos That Aren't Your Favourites

This is Frederikskirke in Copenhagen, an absolutely beautiful church, however, I’ve never been happy with these photos. You can’t see it in the image, but the photos just aren’t a great quality mostly because of excessive graininess. I think I was expecting a bit too much out of the poor little point and shoot camera I used to have.

I’ve probably pulled these photos out a dozen times, and finally a few days ago, I said to myself “Self, this is it! You are going to scrap these photos!!”. So I did. And you know what?? I’m so much happier with these photos now that they are scrapped. They seem to look better now that they are adhered to patterned paper. It’s a simple layout, but I’m happy with it, and do you know why? Because now I real feel like I’ve overcome a hurdle in scrapping. Because there are so many photos that deserved to be scrapped. Because these ‘not so great’ photos are as much a part of my memories and my life as any good photo.

So the moral of the story. Scrap your memories, no matter how good the photo or how bad the photo. They deserve to be scrapped. To quote a famous trainer company “Just Do It!”