I'm back...

I’ve taken a little break from it all. A short holiday. A little time to myself. And unfortunately, a little slump in my scrapping. It seems to always happen when I return from holiday. It takes me at least a week, if not more, to get back into the cyber world. Miraculously I usually want to start scrapping again as soon as my prints come back from the lab. Go figure.

My break is over, some of the photos are in from the lab, and I’m excited to get back to doing what I love to do. Beyond editing photos, during my slump I also cleaned my scraproom, and although there are a few bits left to organize, I’m very excited to be working in my new and clean environment. Let’s just hope I can keep it this way. I’m trying out a few new systems for my paper storage and other tidbits. I’ll share some of these methods once I’ve test-driven them a bit more.

But today, I want to scrap. I was organizing my patterened paper this morning and felt inspired to use up some of my stash. It’s something that doesn’t happen all that often, so I think I better ride with it. Happy scrapping! :)