All Moved In...

It’s official. We are moved. In fact, we are mostly unpacked as well. This is always the exciting part, isn’t it?? Getting things all sorted, just as you want them, and the 1,000 trips to the local DIY to get silly little things you didn’t realize you’d need.

Well, I can definately say that I’m glad I did some organization work to my scraproom before moving. It made unpacking so much easier. Just slide everything into place on the shelving unit and presto—instant scraproom. Well, almost. I still have a small pile ‘to sort’ making itself comfortable on the spare bed. All in due time.

It’s been well over a week since I’ve scrapped, and today I’m going to spend the whole day working on layouts. Hopefully I’ll remember to photograph some of them before the sun goes down so I can share them. On the agenda today—I’ve got a few DT projects to finish up, and then on to other projects and layouts.

Sounds like the perfect day. :)