Give Thanks Contest

Every year Lynette holds a ‘Give Thanks’ contest in celebration of Thanksgiving, where she send out a gift to anyone who wished to take part, and the participants make a layout using the gift. This year’s contest was sponsored by Bound + d/termined and each of the contestants received 3 papers from their new Word to the Wise line, and these particular papers were from the friendship set.

After humming and hawing for quite a while, and not finding ‘the right’ photos for the papers, I nearly gave up. I sorted through my ever growing stack of photos, and started pulling out all the photos of people. I ended up with about a dozen photos. None of the photos were really suitable for enlargement, but the photos were still dear to me. I thought a mini album was the answer. Something big enough that I didn’t need to crop out a lot of the photo, but small enough that the photos didn’t get lost. Since I didn’t have any small albums on hand, I decided to make an album out of chipboard. Love chipboard. :) The pages are a little larger than a CD, and so much fun to make. And it means all those photos of us and our friends that never quite made it into our albums now have a home. It’s also most definately a work in progress. I’m still finding photos that were never printed that need to go into this album.