Switching things up a bit.

If you’ve followed my thoughts for the last several months (which would be a challenge since even I can’t follow them in any cohesive manner), you’ll know I’ve done a lot of thinking about changing up my sizes a bit.

I started out as a 12×12 scrapper. I love 12×12, but I’ve been wanting to do something a little different lately and was seriously considering doing some A4 layouts (a little taller and skinner than 8.5×11inches, but roughly the same) but I’ve been putting it off because all my albums have been started in 12×12.

Well, I’m not putting it off anymore. I’ve done my first A4 layout, and I’m quite happy with the size. As for putting them in albums, I’ll just squeeze them in somehow. A few thoughts as to how I may possible to this:

  • Paste the layout onto a 12×12 piece of cardstock, and simply slip that into the page protector
  • Use A4 page protectors in the 12×12 album
  • Use existing 12×12 page protectors by sewing them to an A4 size, and cutting off the excess.

No matter what I choose, I’m not worrying about it. It’s a nice freedom. AND I was able to get some photos scrapped that I simply could wrap my head around for 12×12. That makes me happy.

Wonder if anybody will notice? Possibly. Here’s the first of many—it’s a double page spread of Palais de Rumine in Lausanne, Switzerland: