Online crop at SSS this weekend!

If you are interesting in spending the weekend scrapping and chatting, then you might was to head over the Shauna’s Shoppe this weekend. We’ll be chatting and scrapping from Friday at 4pm, BC time (which is 12midnight in Britain, so I may not personally be there for the kick-off) ;) We have lots of challenges and games planned for the weekend, it’ll be lots of fun. There’s also some great prizes to be won.

We also have two chats planned for the weekend. Friday is the chat with Donna Downey and Saturday is the chat with Shauna and the DT. For full info, please check out the message boards.

To participate you’ll need to be a member of Shauna’s Shoppe. I hope to see a lot our members there, and maybe a few new faces, too. If our past crops are anything to go by, this should be fun. :)