More Design Originals

A few more Design Originals layouts that I did for Scrap That Moment

This first layout is actually using their pet paper line… unfortunately we have neither a cat nor a dog, but the colours were absolutely perfect for Joey’s grad photo. I don’t usually buy black or red paper, so this worked out really well. Besides, he got his masters over a year and a half ago…. so it was about bloody time I finally scrapped one of his grad photos. Oh well, at least one got in the scrapbooks before his PhD congregation. I’m looking forward to photographing that… his PhD robes will have colour on the front too! :)

The second is a bit out of the box for me… I actually distressed the layout—and more than just inking the edges of the paper. It’s like I have a split personality sometimes. I do all sorts or weirdly wonderful things to stuff…. but my layouts need to be clean. Go figure. Anyway, the photo is one I took last year in Jesmond Dene. I just loved how the light was hitting the leaf.

I really loved the letters and number used in the autumn layout, but to make them stand out a bit more, I mounted them onto chipboard for added dimension. It’s so simple, yet it makes a huge difference.