Bringing in the New Year.

I was originally planning to put up a post with thumbnail images of all the stuff I made in 2006. Then I realized how much I actually created in a single year, and I was amazed. I was also struck with the realization that it would take me hours to compile all those little photos and links, so it’s just not happening.

It did, however, give me an idea. I’m going to count how many items I make in 2007. The goal is 365. I’ll keep a running total somewhere on this blog.

On top of what I normally do, I would like to:

  • knit a lace scarf or shawl.
  • create 4 wall pieces… hangings, canvases, whatever. It just has to be something whose sole purpose is to decorate a wall.
  • create a vessel out of fabric/fibre.
  • start and complete a fabric journal of my own from start to finish.
  • use those techniques I’ve been seeing, collecting and admiring. I do often use the techniques I find, but I really want 2007 to be a year where I concentrate on techniques. I’d like to be able to use one new technique a month, and I’m even thinking of creating some sort of technique book out of it.

And lastly, I want to decrease my pile of WIPs (Work in Progress). I’ve collected it all together in a bag… at least the pieces that can actually fit in the bag. I’d love to be able to have an empty bag at the end of 2007. A girl can dream, can’t she?