Mystery Stole 3

I squeaked in at the last minute for the cut off deadline and joined in on the Mystery Sole 3 KAL (knit a long). It’s not something I’d planned on doing, but I was really liking what I was seeing on other people’s blogs and decided to give it a go. I’m going to use the same laceweight Merino I’m using for my Kiri shawl I mentioned the other day which means I have a bit of a dilema. I need to finish the Kiri shawl before I start MS3 and I’m already starting 2 clues behind. The Kiri is currently about half way through the row count and I only started it the other day so I’m hoping that I might be finished (or at least cast-off) by week’s end.

I’m really liking the Kiri shawl. I’ve totally fallen into the rhythm of the pattern so it’s going much faster now. I’m thinking of dyeing it when it comes off the needles…. maybe a light mossy green of a light blue?? Haven’t decided yet.

I’ll get that blog button for MS3 in the side bar and post about something non-knitting releated when I get home from work. I’ve got a backlog of scrapbook pages to post and lots of photos from my current round robin, too. Lots of eye candy… and since they are ready to post I can dedicate more time to getting Kiri off the needles. :)