Wisp is done!

Woohoo!! Another finished object. :) This came off the blocking ‘wires’ today:

This is such a nice simple to knit, and other than having to frog back a few times because I forgot an eyelet yarn over it was also a really quick knit — cast on to cast off in 2 or 3 evenings.

The pattern itself calls for 2 balls of Rowan Kid Silk haze, but I followed the designer’s directions for cheating to be able to make it out of a single ball and had quite a lot still left over so I probably could have knit the pattern as written without running out of yarn.

Looking forward to wearing this come autumn. Actually, with the way the weather has been of late, I probably could have worn it today. Summer will get here eventually… I’ll just keep repeating that to myself.

Pattern: Wisp off Knitty
Yarn: Rowan Kid Silk Haze (1 ball)
Needles: 5mm straights of unknown origin
Started/Finished: July 2007