Finished Jitterbug Socks

These actually came off the needles on Monday but between work and midwife appointments I didn’t have a chance to photograph them until now…. but it was a great reason to wear them today. :)

On the second sock I used my standard toe pattern instead of what the pattern called for and I was right — ‘my’ version was far more comfy so I ended up frogging and reknitting the toe of the first sock which didn’t take me very long.

I love how these socks feel. They are soft, warm and comfy which was exactly what I need on a cold wet day. Comfy socks, comfy dress (which totally doesn’t go with the socks, but since it was my day off I simply didn’t care), a comfy fleece and a cup of tea. Who could ask for more??

I noted that the yarn seemed to have quite a few knots in the skein. There were about 7 knots total, but they all seemed to be a one end of the skein. I only came across 1 knot while knitting the socks, so the other 6 knots are somewhere in the leftover bit. I’m disappointed in the number of knots, but I was quite pleased that they didn’t cause me a huge problem in the end.

  • Pattern: Simple Sock pattern (size 42/43) on the ball band of the yarn with modifications for a S1 K1 heel flap instead of an all knit heel flap and toe modification so that I alternated decreases in one row, and knit even on the next
  • Yarn: Colinette Jitterbug 100% easy care merino hand dyed sock yarn. (100g skein, 267m) 1 skein with about 7g left over.
  • Needles: Inox DPNs 2.5mm
  • Started/Finished: 16 – 23 July 2007 (travelling project)