Tap. Tap. Is this thing on?

It’s been a while since my last blog post on this blog. Okay, it’s been a really long while. But I just wanted to public address the fact that a) I’m not dead. b) I have not been abducted by aliens. and c) Ravelry has not taken over my life. Okay, scratch c.

We’re going to try this creative crafty bloggy thing again, although I feel it may take on a bit of a different feel. That’s okay. The fact is that I miss my blog and I’ve decided that if I can surf Ravelry and breastfeed simultaneously then I can probably post a entry or two on my blog. The kid feeds for upto 2 hours at a go… I’ve got the time. Besides I have a project I want to work on and I need my blog to house it. ;)

See you tomorrow… in 2008. :)