Day 53: Learning Curve

My first spinning attempt:

We have a wee bit of a learning curve ahead of us, but I don’t thing it’s that bad. It’s a bit thick and thin in places, but there is a fair bit of consist sport weight spinning in there, too. Not bad for a first attempt and with roving that was bought at an embroidery shop. I figured I could have a play with some £1 merino while I wait for my ‘real’ roving and new parts for the wheel to arrive. (I’ll be very happy when the drive band ceases to fall off every 30 to 40 seconds… )

I also have some burgundy £1 roving. I figured I could try to ply the two together and see what comes of it. The further thought occurs to me that these colours will work well for the ‘fire’ theme of project spectrum so a small knitted object may be the future of this experiment. If everything goes completely pear shaped I can always felt the small knitted object. ;)