Day 70: In progress

A lot of things are in progress right now. For the Library of Memories class (via Big Picture Scrapbooking site) I’m currently in the process of organizing my photos:


I’m also in the middle of making my Primavera socks which is a Project Spectrum knit:

Primavera socks in progress

Lots of progress is being made on my Tweed Hooded cardi as the back is finished and the two fronts are nearly off the needles. Here are the centre front cables in their glorious unblocked state:

Tweed Hooded Cardi Cables

And I just finished spinning the first four ounces of singles of my Bluefaced Leicester roving:

Dusty Answer BFL singles

My new bobbins should arrive tomorrow so I’ll be able to start spinning the other half of the BFL. I can’t wait to see how this turns out once it’s finished. :)