
I’ve spent a good chunk of today reorganizing my stash, mostly because my husband won’t be home until tomorrow. I’m not trying to hide anything… he reads this blog, he has his own Ravelry account and he knows where the stash is kept, so there’s no point. However, it means I have until tomorrow night to put everything back in place. :)

Part of this whole airing of the stash to get everything into Ravelry that hasn’t already been input, make sure those details are correct and to get everything nice and neat so that it won’t fall on my head everytime I open my side of the wardrobe.

I decided to pull it out and take a photo (or at least a photo of what a 1.5 year old hasn’t already run off with):

Airing of the Stash

Stash is one of those things. I’d feel lost without it, but I don’t want it to overwhelm me either. It’s all about a bit of balance, really, and I’ve been trying to knit from stash as much as possible. The odd thing will happen where there’ll be a sale and the perfect yarn is asking to be taken home or the odd project that need to be done that can’t be taken from stash. I’m trying to do a little more of the latter rather than the former. For instance, I just bought some wool from New Lanark for a pair of clogs for Joey which fell into that category. These types of projects are inevitable. What I’m trying to do is make sure those yarns don’t become stash and get knit up as quickly as possible.

For those of you on Ravelry and are interesting in shopping the stash before the LYS, then you might want to check out the Stash Knit Down group. I’m currently participating in the Knit up 100 balls in 2009 challenge and Cold Sheep. I’m not doing brilliantly on the whole Cold Sheep yarn diet thing, but I think I’m doing better than I normally would as I’ve only bought yarn thrice this year and so far all but the yarn that came into the house yesterday has either been cast on or completed. I’m also knitting the existing stash down. It’s a nice balance of new, exciting yarns and lovingly stashed yarns. :)