Handspun Daisy

I’m in the middle of a knitting emergency (among other things), but I finally remembered to take a photo of stuff! :)

A few months ago I requested a few custom dyed braids of superwash BFL in a gothy red colourway.


The idea was to spin it up into a 3ply yarn to make a baby cardigan for my husband’s work collegue as per my husband’s request.

Gothic Baby

The yarn was spun on my Kromski Symphony on 10:1 with a total of 450 metres. I love the look of 3ply, but sometimes I dislike it’s yarn eating capability. The fact that I spun it worsted and kept some back for some 2ply didn’t help.

I had originally intended to make a Cardigan for Merry (Rav link) with an option of a stand up collar instead of a hood, but soon into the knitting I realized that it wasn’t going to happen. There just wasn’t enough yarn.

I decided to go back to an old favourite, Daisy (Rav link) which is a basic raglan cardigan with a hood. Kinda like Cardigan for Merry but without the fancy turned hem and yarn eating cable. And I’m making progress.

Handspun Daisy in progress

In fact, I’m up to the armholes on the body and a sleeve and probably at the least photogenic part of the entire process. As for the pattern, I’ve modified the sleeves to be knit in the round and joined to the body at the underarm and the whole raglan area is being knit as one piece. Basically it cuts out having to seam the sleeve and up the raglan decreases and leaves me with only a couple of stitches to graft under each arm. In other words, barely any finishing, and that’s my kind of garment. :)

I’m hoping to get this done very soon as I was given some incorrect information as to the baby’s due date. I was under the impression that this baby was due in mid-July, however the baby is actually due in 3 weeks and I really would like to get it to her before she leaves on maternity leave.

Now to cast on the second sleeve.