Knitting a Garden

Okay, so not really. But it seemed fitting since I’m talking about Pansies and Daisies.

First, let me introduce you do the Pansi Socks:


I’m in love with them. I love how the yarn feels, I love how it feels knit up, and I love how it is striping. I’m so chuffed with these. They are just a basic 64 stitch top down sock with a heel flap, although I’m going to make a shorter leg than normal as I’m worried about running out of yarn. I can hear all the toe-up fanatics screaming from behind their monitors, but since my feet hate short row heels and I’ve never quite figured out how to do an extended heel flap on a toe up, although that’s mostly for lack of trying. I just want a quick pair of socks and I’m not wanting to mess with the math right now. Maybe some day I’ll figure it out.

Next up in the garden we have a Daisy in progress. I got up to the raglan decreases at the time of this photo, but I’m now just starting the hood. (I’ll admit so slight warps in the time-space continuum for sake decent light for a photo).


I even managed to find some buttons:


I had no idea it would be so hard to find some simple buttons that don’t look cheap. Okay, maybe I did but still haven’t admitted to it. Needless to say, I’m hoping to have Daisy off the needles today.

So, since Project Spectrum’s East theme breaks down into yellow, air, wood and spring, do you think Daisy would count for spring since it’s named after a spring flower?