FO: Camel, Sheep, Worm

The mawata mittens are finished!

Mawata unspun mittens

I’m really pleased with how they turned out. I still had a wee bit of silk left over which I’ve spun on my spindle, but the mittens did eat up most of that bundle of silk. If I wanted to do an all silk mitten with long cuffs (as I usually like), I think I’d start with 50g of silk. I know that I ended up using more silk than might have been necessary as I like a firm fabric and thus likely knitted a heavier strand of silk using smaller needles, but I like the feel of the finished fabric.

The pattern is just a basic mitten pattern out of my head that was knit to fit, with short fingers and long thumbs, and they fit perfectly. My only complaint about them is the unspun silk in conjunction with my hands. My hands are very dry. They are always dry. However, we’ve recently moved from a very damp climate to a drier climate and my skin hasn’t quite adjusted yet. As a result my hands literally stick to the inside of the mittens.

I’ll put away my mittens for this year. I suspect this is a temporary issue and I can delight in wearing lovely silk mittens next year. It isn’t like we have any snow anyway. :)

~ Previous entry for this project and information on knitting with silk hankies can be found here. ~