Crosomia Pie, part 2.

Progress on my pi shawl is going about as slow as molasses in a Canada in January. At 1152 stitches per round, it was slow going for a while, especially as I made a few minor errors that required some tinking back or dropping down a few (or 18) rounds.

That isn’t to say I’m not enjoying it. I am. It is lovely nighttime knitting that I can do whilst watching M*A*S*H.

I’ve just started the edging. I’ve chosen to go for the knitted on garter stitch edging. I’m using a 15 stitch row for the edging, with two rows per stitch, at 1152 stitches. That’s a lot of edging stitches.

Crocosmia Pi Shawl in progress

I really wanted to keep the edge all in red. I’ve been hoarding red to the side just for this reason. In the 1152 stitch rounds I needed 3 sections of the gold to make a decent colour section. I broke the yarn at each colour change so I could continue on in the gold whilst simultaneously hoarding the red for the border. It worked out perfectly.

Or it’ll work out perfectly as long as I don’t run out of yarn. I calculated the amount of yarn I needed and gave myself a 10% margin of error. Let’s hope my yarn agrees with my math. :)

If all goes well, I’m hoping to have this shawl off the needles by the end of the month. I’m hoping all goes well. I can’t wait to see this blocked.