Photo Walls

We’ve finally started putting up some photos on the walls. It is one of those things we usually wait to do after moving so we can get a feel of the place.

One of the places that needed a large ‘something’ on the wall was in the kids’ play area in the lounge. I wanted to keep some colour, without it being overwhelming. We decided on a couple of black 115cm long Ribba photo rails from Ikea and mounted them on the wall so that they slightly overlapped, but covered the breadth we needed.

Photo collection

For the frames we used Nyttja serries frames. What I really like about these frames (other than the price) was that they were thin enough that the photos could be stacked on the rail. We chose mostly black frames, but we grabbed a few colourful ones that would coordinate with the childrens’ furniture… which was easy enough since most of it was bought at Ikea anyway. I used black frames for the photos, whilst I used the colourful ones to showcase some of the various bits of important artwork. Currently, we are showcasing artwork from Thing 1… a seahorse pulled out of a colouring book, and a painting of her and her brother, both of which came off the artwork boards. I like the sense of whimsy and colour that they add, and I think featuring artwork made by children is important. Framing it adds extra meaning.

Photo collection

These photos rails have now become home to our favourite family photos, something that is very important when you live far away from your families. This be a work in progress that will grow and change with our family. Maybe someday I can even remember to take a photo of the entire play area. ;)