Category: General Scrapbooking

Articles in the General Scrapbooking category

A couple more layouts.

I received a gift of an entire set of SEI Granny’s Kitchen last week, so I going about using it up…. so if you see a lot of SEI in the coming weeks, you’ll know why. After this I think I’m going to go on a Chatterbox spree….

Mermaid Tears

We had another sponsor reveal today on Scrap That Moment and this time it was Mermaid Tears, who makes some fab flowers as well as some interesting metal embellishments, gems and a series of paper dolls. For my sponsor layout I did Feeding the Birds which uses a couple of photos I took outside of Notre Dame Cathedral (Paris) while we were watching this lovely older gent feeding the sparrows.

I also did up this tag. I’m not much of a tag person, and I rarely use vintage images because of the lack of a printer, however I’m quite chuffed with the way this turned out. I think I may just do a few more of these. I may even create some sort of book out of them. For now, I’ll add it to the ever-increasing project pile and do them now and again when I get the chance.

I used a BasicGrey tag as a template for my tag, which I cut out of regular cardstock. I then layered up several different 7Gypsies patterned papers, inked it over with Tim Holtz Distress Inks in Old Paper, then chalked over the entire thing with several colours of Craf-T chalks. A bit of cranberry coloured embossing powder was added to the edges, and the words were stamped in cranberry ink using Ma Vinci stamps. Then it was just a matter of cutting the image, and adding the image, flower, yarn and tube to finish the whole thing off.

Wausau Papers.

On Scrap That Moment we loaded up our Wausau Papers, including my Carving layout. In my spare time, I also made this ATC which I’ve entitled ‘Two of Frogs’. The frogs are stamped on the Wausau paper. If you are interested in the details of the supplies I’ve used, just click on the photo as I’ve loaded that into the gallery info. :)

If you want to check out what the rest of the DT did, you may wish to check out the Wausau sponsor gallery on STM

Layout of the Day

I was playing around with some more Chatterbox goodies yesterday. I love the embellishment kits. I’ve used them on several other layouts, and still have lots of goodies left. :)

It’s another layout of St. Gallen, this time it’s the ceilings of the abbey. I’m working on one currently that is of the interior of this stunning church. I’ll post it in a few days once it’s done and photographed. :)

This time it’s the best preserved Roman loo in Britain, at Housesteads Fort along Hadrian’s Wall. It always amazes me how advanced the Romans were. Here’s a set of facilities that are closing in on a millenia old, yet they were some of the first flushing toilets ever built.

Enough about the loo. I got to play with my Basic Grey notch tool again. This is just such a neat little tool. I haven’t used it all that much, but I’m determined to find interesting stuff to do with it just because I think it’s so cool. I think it’ll come in really hand for doing mini albums. :)

A Quick Layout to Share

Did this layout last week during my scrapping spree. I’m so chuffed I’m now able to buy cardstock in a shop. :)

A bit of Scraplifting (Melissa Chapman)

I warned you I was going to do a bit of scraplifting, and I have. The other day I scrapped 6 layouts, which I believe, is an all-time record for me. 3 of the layouts were my own, 3 were scraplifts. I had so much fun, and felt so productive.

This particular lift if from a scrapper that I’ve actually admired for a long time. I remember when I joined 2peas a few years ago that her layouts always stood out to me then, and they still do now. This layout was based on her Biggest Heart layout which she entered into CK’s Hall of Fame 2005

This is a complete lift, but I loved the layout so much I just couldn’t change a thing. It’s also the first time I’ve used buttons on a layout. Thanks for being an inspiration Melissa!


I took this photo a couple of years ago, and finally got the chance to scrap it. This is such an amazing house, and was a considered a very technologically advanced home for it’s time. It was built during the Victorian era and had a lift, flushing toilets and was the first house in the world to be wired for electrics.

I’ve got some scraplifts to share with you tomorrow, and I’ll be posting Font Friday tonight after I get home from work. ;)

St. Gallen Abbey Layout

I so loved this building, in fact the abbey was the entire reason I when to St. Gallen in the first place. I’m so glad I did though, but not only was this abbey amazing, but I discovered many other beautiful things there as well.

I’m totally into those little white flowers. I found them at poundland, and got a bunch. I’m thinking about grabbing another bunch if I see more…. but I really want some different styles, too. I’m on the hunt. ;)

A Couple layouts from a Demo.

I did a scrapbook demonstration for DoArt’s shop in Gateshead, and these were a couple of the layouts that came out of that. I had six layouts planned out, but I was fairly busy showing people various techniques that I only got two done. I had fun and it was a good day. :)

Off to work on some other layouts now. I’ve been completely inspired by browsing magazines and galleries. I really want to relax and knock out several layouts today, so I think I’m going to have some fun and do some scraplifting. :)