Category: Project 365

Articles in the Project 365 category

Baby Cardi -- a recycling project

Today’s Project 365 photo:

This was a woman’s sleeveless jumper, but I’ve harvested the yarn and it will become a Hooded Baby Cardigan. I thought it might be nice to share the before photo of this cardigan, and I have to admit the yarn makes a wonderful photo subject… at least in my opinion. I see this being the subject of many of my daily photos.

I think harvesting yarn from charity shop jumpers can be a fun and economical way of knitting up items for personal use. This particular jumper was bought for £3. If anyone is interested in the steps to harvesting yarn from charity shop jumpers, then you first might want to know what to look for in a jumper (particularly the type of seaming). has a great post about seams and unravelling knitwear. You might also want to have a look at this recent article from Knitting Daily which talks about the best way to unravel the yarn itself and how to straighten out the kinks.

Project 365

One of my expeditions this year will be Project 365 which is a challenge to take a photo a day for an entire year. The question is — can I do it?

I do take photos nearly everyday for one reason or another, so as much as this will be a challenge to ensure I do it everyday, it’s not necessarily that much of a stretch. Can I take a photo everyday for a year? Probably. Can I manage to blog about them regularly? Hmm.. that is another challenge entirely. As much as a daily posting would be optimal, I’ll try to do a 365 post every few days or a weekly round up.

My goal with this is to improve my photography, explore the everyday and really become one with my equipment.

Today’s Photo:

Folks in Britain love to talk about the weather and since it’s been raining all day I thought a rain photo was an appropriate way of starting off the new year. This was our view out the kitchen window this morning.

I will be creating a photo album for Project 365 in the Gallery area, but it currently seems to be broken. If and when it gets fixed I’ll post the link.