Category: Project 365

Articles in the Project 365 category

Day 81: Reading

Dr. Daddy reading to his little girl… and hiding from the camera.


The wee one loves her books. She’s even learning to turn the pages. (I know that’s probably a fluke, but she’s done it on at least a dozen times and as her mum I thinks it’s cute so therefore she’s learning to turn pages, okay?) Sometimes she’ll even read along with us… in 4 month old baby babble.

Day 80: Stung

I started a new pair of socks today (which means my previous socks are blocking and a FO report should appear in a couple of days). These are for my husband. I love him dearly, but I really don’t like this colourway… actually I just have issues with yellow, but that’s not really his fault. What do I expect with a colourway named wasp?

This is the progress after I had ripped them out for the 4th time:


They are actually coming along nicely now, and they are creating a kind of spiraling effect on the leg… at least this is what is happening on the first sock.

I’ll add pattern details when there is actually enough knitting to see there is really a pattern, but I’m hoping to get these done for the end of the month so they can be included in the Project Spectrum fire category.

Meanwhile, I’ve already planned out the next two socks for Earth which will start on April 1st. One pair for me, one pair for the boy. There is also at least one jumper project planned out. :)

Day 79: Page in Progress

Yes, I still scrapbook… see. Once this whole non-functioning gallery thing gets sorted I may just get some layouts up again. This was another just in case photo… the parcel still hasn’t arrived. :(


Day 78: Froggy Baby

I saw this and thought it would work with this week’s green theme, but really I took it in case my parcel didn’t arrive. It didn’t.


Day 77: Bound

Hubby’s PhD thesis bound and on its way to the grad office. :)


Day 75: Mini albums on our shelf

Just a few of the collection:


Day 74: Out and About

I’ve always loved the roofline of this building:


Day 73: Carrots

In prep for the roast veg we were having for tea.


Day 72: Travel Companion

Thinking along the lines of this week’s transportation theme:


I was originally planning to take some photos in town when this shot just kind of happened.

Day 71: Train

For this week’s theme of transportation (unfortunately I was so paranoid about the security dude watching me I forgot to change my settings before snapping the shot):
