Category: Project 365

Articles in the Project 365 category

Mock Croc Socks are done.

They finished blocking this morning. I unfortunately don’t have sock blockers so I just wet block them by flattening them out into shape on our chest of drawers. It’s not perfect, but it certainly helps make the heel and toes look a bit better.

The fabric of this sock is wonderfully stretchy and I think I may even have been able to make the smaller size, even with my instep. I’m also thinking these could easily work as knee highs without much modification.

This pair is also my January sock for the Sock a Month 5 KAL which I’ll post to tomorrow as it is getting a wee bit late here.

Pattern: Mock Croc Socks (on Ravelry )
Yarn: Jaeger Matchmaker Merino 4 ply
Needles: 2.5mm DPNs
Mods: Eye of Partridge heel flap and heightened instep

Photos: January 11th

I got carried away today, so we have several photos. :)

I’ve always wanted to do those mirror self portraits in which the camera itself is the focus, so here it is:

Then I got distracted by a duck:

While phorographing my knitting for my next post I saw the most beautiful sunset. We don’t often get colourful skies at dusk because of the generous amount of cloud cover and rain we get in nothern England so it’s always wonderful when we do get colourful skies.

This was taken in our front yard (in my slippers):

Make time for play...

It was quite wet outside today, so we made time for indoor play.

Photo: January 9th

I love repetition. :)

We are very lucky to not only have a park right across the road, but we have a park with large pond, play area, bowling green, tennis court and several football pitches. It also leads onto a large green belt area. I’ll be taking more photos of that when it’s actually, well, green.

Although we generally have about five or six dozen ducks on the pond at a given time, we generally only gets swans for a few weeks out of the year. Today, one of the swans was visiting and allowed me a (very brief) photo op.

Delivered today...

The sock yarn I ordered from Violet Green arrived today. Gotta say I love these colours.

This is the Rainforest colourway. This will become a pair of socks for me, pattern as yet undecided.

The To The Lighthouse colourway is for socks for Joey in the Boyfriend Socks pattern.

And finally, the Burnt Orange colourway is for socks for me. I’m thinking of using the Nutkin pattern.

All of the skeins are Stroud Wool which is 75% wool and 25% nylon. I’m really looking forward to casting these on.

On the photography front, I’ve already taken over 1,000 photos so far this year. Kinda scary, but I’m having fun. And I’m loving the fact that project 365 is giving me the drive to take decent photos of my yarn and projects among other things.

Photo: January 7th

I had big hopes for today. I had a plan. I needed to take the baby in for her jabs today and thought I’d tote the camera along and take some shots in town since it was a lovely day. That was until I realized I’d messed up the times and had to go flying out the door with baby in a mad dash to the surgery. So today you get another around the house photo.

As much as I had wanted some photos of town, this actually worked out quite well. Firstly, I’m pleased with the photo itself (and I must say I’m loving my 50mm 1.8f lens). Secondly, I think I may have discovered another good spot for taking random fiber photos. This happens to be our south-facing kitchen counter at about 2pm, slightly before sunset when I’m only getting indirect sunlight. And lastly Joey and I are digging this scale right now. The scale was bought to weigh fiber, and occasionally food as recipes require. However, as it sits on our dinning table both of us have the constant desire to weigh random objects for fun. It doesn’t take much to amuse a couple of geeks.

And just for your information, I had 8g of wool left over after finishing my first Mock Croc Sock, Joey mobile weighs 91g and an average clementine weights 49g. Just thought you’d like to know. ;)

Photo: January 6th

Since our washing machine died last month I haven’t had to use this… our new washing machine has a built in dryer. :)


I promised some fibery goodness along with today’s photo, so here we go. The yarn is Sirdar Country Style Dk which I originally used to knit up a wrap cardigan. They cardi never got worn, mainly because it turned out too big so I frogged the lot, washed and re-balled it. I have a total of 700g:

I’ll be casting on Roam today. I just really wish I had of noticed the entire cardi is knit in seed stitch before I fell in love with it…. I’m knitting it anyway. In fact the gauge swatch is now done.

Among other projects on the needles are some Mock Croc socks.

I’m loving how these are knitting up. :)

Photo: January 4th

I’ll be back with more fibery goodness tomorrow. :)

Photo: January 3rd

I’m not someone that takes a lot of photos of people (photos of my daughter being an exception to this rule), but since one of my goals is to photograph (and share) the everyday I thought I’d share this photo. Now no one can complain I didn’t share any ‘people’ photos in Project 365. This is my baby girl in her beloved Baby Bjorn as worn by myself.