Category: Project 365

Articles in the Project 365 category

Day 91: Emerson Chambers

Love this building. It currently houses Waterstones (bookstore):


I got a wee bit behind in my posts this week. I have a bad habit of forgetting to blog if I don’t have my newsreader open. I’m now terrified to open my newsreader… however I did manage to take my photos each day, and that is truely what matters in the end.

Day 90: More spring blooms

Taken in our back garden:


Day 89: Time

In celebration of the time shift from GMT to BST.


Actually, I was just doing the dishes and thought it would make a nice shot, but we’ll just keep that between us, okay?

Day 88: Cooking, curry and champagne

We went over to our mate’s house to celebrate Joey’s PhD and have a general gabfest. She loves to cook and we have been able to enjoy her fabulous meals on many occasions. This time is was curry… with champagne, of course. ;)


Day 87: Winding away

I mentioned to Joey the other day that I’d need to start winding a few skeins into balls for the next batch of Project Spectrum projects, including two skeins of sock yarn, and that I’d need his help to hold the skeins while I hand wound the centre pull balls. With minutes we were on ebay and knitting sites looking for a ball winder and swift. Both arrived today.

This is my new swifft, bought from Get Knitted and I’ve got to say that it works like a charm coupled with my Royal wool winder bought off ebay.


Doesn’t it make a great looking ball?


This will be the next pair of socks on the needles and will fall into Project Spectrum Earth which starts April 1st. Yarn is the Rainforest colourway from Violet Green.

Day 86: Water day

This photo should actually be credited to my husband, but I did run it through photoshop… that counts right? The photo was shot as a test to see if the camera had defogged from the humidity in the pool area, but since it was the wee one’s first swim lesson I felt this photo was appropriate:


(Joey also took some fab photos of our little girl swimming)

All I took was a lame photo of some bridges.


Day 85: Along the way

Taken on my way to knit night. I’m loving that I’m able to take photos into the evening now. :)


Day 84: Seeing things

Is it just me or does this coconut have a face?


Day 83: Spring

Although I woke to our first snow of the winter (actual accumulation which didn’t even last until I ate breakfast) I caught this lovely soaking up a bit of the breakthrough sunshine.


Day 82: New bobbins


(Warning: minor rant)

They finally arrived this morning. Seriously, the time it took to get them was absolutely ridiculous. I was disappointed when I received the wrong bobbins, but I understand that mix-ups happen. But to wait an entire week after receiving the returned bobbins before sending out the right bobbins? Totally uncalled for.

Joey and I oiled up the wheel, put on a new drive band and fixed the scotch tension (after I decided I didn’t like double drive). It took some work and frustration (and some searching on Ravelry for help) to get everything to spin right, but it’s now working.

I’m really happy to be able to spin again, but I’m still not a happy bunny. I’m going to have to spend a few hours sanding the bobbins smooth as the wood has lots of little splinters that are catching the fibers. And just for the record the time it took from ordering the catalogue to receiving the (correct) bobbins was nearly 5 weeks.