Technique Tuesday.... and other links

This is the coolest site that I just NEED to pass along. In fact it’s several sites. :)

Creative Collage is run by Kelly Angard. In her blog she offers up some great tips and techniques that can be used in scrapbooking, cardmaking, ATCs and altered books… in fact altered anything for that matter. Each Tuesday she posts a new technique to the site dealing with the art of collage, with a modern twist. While you are there, check out the archives. Lots of great ideas hiding in there!

If you like Creative Collage be sure to check out Kelly’s other site, The Crafty-Girl™. Lots of inspiration of altered books here, among other crafts!!

Speaking of altered books, there are a couple great Yahoo! sites dedicated to this subject my favourite of which is AlteredBooks. This group has two other sister sites, names AlteredBookScans (which is used to library the many, many fab AB scans of the main list, and AlteredBookArchives which houses the archives. Lots of tip, ideas, and techniques in these groups, not to mention about 8600 members strong.

Hopefully some of these sites will give you some ideas and inspirations for your own creations. I’ll be adding each of these sites to the side bar links as well, for easy reference. The AB spread shown as part of this article is one I did ages ago (or at least it seems like it) when I was experimenting with glazing techniques. Must do some more soon. Maybe it should be a New Year’s resolution. :)