Scrapper's Torture

A few weeks ago, my parents asked me to send them an online Christmas wishlist. I wished for scrap supplies, of course! :)

Fast forward a couple weeks… Wednesday night, my Joey comes home from work with a box in tow. I thought, “Wow! My DT package has arrived already! I wasn’t expecting it until the new year!”, but Joey corrected me, and told me that the pizza box was not from America, but from my favourite online scrap shop in the UK. My Christmas gifts. My new sets of ‘lil Davis foam stamps. :)

So here I am, with a bonus day off work (which I was not expecting), and I’m going to merrily scrap the day away. With my new foam stamps sitting under the tree. Which I’m not allows to use until Christmas day. Torture. I feel like a kid again, counting down the seconds to Christmas day when I can play with my new toys.

So, Mum and Dad, I got the box in time for Christmas! Thank you so much!!!

And to my darling husband, I think I hear some foam stamps under the tree wanting to be played with. They are lonely and want to mingle with my other scrap supplies. Especially the paint and paper! ;)