The most amazing thing happened today....

I actually fancied cleaning my studio today. It wasn’t an “Oh bother, I can’t find the desk… I better do a bit of cleaning” type of thing either. It was more of a “Today is the day I organize my space” type of feeling.

I’ve unpacked the few remaining boxes that were sitting in the wardrobe. This event hasn’t happened since…. actually I think this is the first time everything has been out of their moving boxes (that’s if you don’t count the dozens of boxes in storage at mum’s house). I’ve designated space to each type of interest. I’ve organized my books. I’ve even brushed the floor. Of course, you can’t actually see the bed for the the stuff piled on it, but at least I’m making progress.

I’m planning to post a few photos once I’ve finished organizing. Hopefully I won’t mess it up before I can pull out my camera. ;)


Way to go Chriss! Let me see some pictures.
My room is a MESS right now!

Cara Bresette-Yates · 14 February 2006, 08:58 · #