First Sheep ATC

In fact, this is the first in a series of sheep ATCs. This series is going to be called ‘Inspired Sheep’ since each ATC will be a direct style inspiration of another artist. I’ll keep going with them until I run out of artists…. this should take a while. I’m hoping to be able to create several of these a week, and I’ll keep posting them here as I finish them.

Today’s Inspired Sheep is based on Rowena Laing, an artist from Dundee who I discovered while at a small art gallery in Edinburgh last year. She caught my attention because she uses sheep images in many of her paintings, and this is directly inspired from her ‘Precarious Cottages’ piece—a print of which I have next to my desk in my studio. I thought she’d be the perfect artist with which to start.


I love it – fabulous ATC!!

Anna Sigga · 17 March 2006, 18:37 · #