Needle and Thread

I’ve been working on a page for a fabric journal recently. I forgot how much I love textiles. I forgot how much I love to sew. I forgot how slow domestic sewing machines really are…. I had my foot to the floor and was so close to yelling at the machine to go faster. It is my firm belief that sewing machines, like cars, should be rated by horsepower. Seriously, I need more power!

In so many ways, I’ll be very happy when my Textile Studio and I are living together again, although the thought of moving and unpacking all that stuff gives me cold sweats. I will be happy to have all much stuff at my disposal again—my dyes, my machines, my stash. :)

I’m almost done my page, and I’ll share it once it is done—hopefully Monday. No promises. I was fairly close to finishing it last night when the worst thing happened—I ran out of thread and all the sewing shops were closed.


Don’t you just hate it when you are on a roll, and something gets in the wheels and stops ya dead in your tracks?! Sorry for the thread mishap. I feel your frustration or rather have felt the frustration… Can’t wait to see it when it’s done! :)

Jami · 29 May 2006, 04:22 · #

More power, That is so funny. You remind me of Tim The Tool Man Taylor.

— Susan · 29 May 2006, 09:20 · #

Pedal to the metal girl!! LOL! I can just see you sewing away madly!!!
Can’t wait to see the finished product!

Cari Locken · 30 May 2006, 00:59 · #