Knitting Journals

I’ve heard a lot about people keeping knitting journals, and for the most part I’ve mostly dismissed the entire thing as something I didn’t really need. Until yesterday.

I haven’t done a lot of knitting in the last couple of years with the exception of a few small items for the simple reason that I never had anywhere comfortable to sit. However, circumstances have changed, and I finally have comfy spot where I can sit and knit peacefully while I think about other projects.

Before I start any new projects I wanted to get a few previous projects finished which includes one navy blue cardigan. I started this project nearly three years ago where I got all but one sleeve done. A year and a half ago I picked up the project again and (nearly) completed the remaining sleeve. I picked this up again this week only to try and sew it together and find out that the second sleeve is the wrong size, and it’s much smaller than the rest of the sweater. Unfortunately, back in the begin, I never made a note about using a different sized needle so this sleeve was knit on 4mm needles instead of 4.5mm. I’m a little irked with myself about this, but the new sleeve (on the correct needles) is nearly halfway done so there’s not a huge loss.

This episode, however, has taught me a valuable lesson. Make notes. Even better, keep all your notes in one place. I think I feel a knitting journal coming on. ;)


Hi Chriss. I don’t keep a journal, but I knit both fronts and also the sleeves at the same time, ie two pieces on the needles at once. Ok it takes longer, but you increase/decrease/rib etc at the same time, and you roughly know you have enough yarn. X

— Sue · 19 August 2006, 17:37 · #

I know a lot of people who knit both socks at the same time so they don’t get ‘second sock syndrome’ where you just don’t care about the second sock…. I’ve always knit one at a time, but then again I like to travel with my knitting so that helps with space issues (really, there’s only so much space on bus!) ;)

Chriss Coleman · 19 August 2006, 19:14 · #